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Pred odoslaním správy si prosím prečítajte naše podmienky spracovávania Vašich osobných údajov v dokumente Ochrana osobných údajov.

Who we are

We have been lawyers for business law and technology since 2009.

Although our domain is business and technology law, our daily agenda also includes employment law, personal data protection, real estate and construction law issues, including contracts related to construction (FIDIC).

We also defend clients in proceedings with state authorities, especially in situations where the client is undergoing an inspection, in cases where a penalty has been imposed upon the client or there is a threat of imposition of such penalty. We provide legal support not only in Slovak, but also in English and French.

Thanks to the network of our international colleagues, we are able to provide you with quality and coordinated legal assistance where necessary.

The pillars of our law firm are comprehensibility of our legal advice, professionalism, and we always add a human touch at the core of our interactions.

We offer reasonable and constructive solutions that create a positive shift in cases, successfully leading to savings in time or resources. Although we take our work and mission seriously, we do not pretend. Our professionalism is based on experience. It is the very reason why we roll our sleeves up to defend your interests with vigour and determination.


krajín sveta v sieti partnerských kancelárií


jazyky poskytovania právnych služieb


rokov na trhu


odvetví, v ktorých pôsobia naši klienti

Michal Bužek


With more than 15 years of experience in advocacy, Michal focuses mainly on contract, software, construction, and corporate law. Fluent in English and French, he completed his internships in the USA, France, and the Czech Republic for his previous practice.


Since 2012, he has held the position, Head of Delegation of the Slovak Bar Association (SBA), at the European Bar Association (CCBE). He is a member of the Home Affairs and International Commission of the SBA. Prior to this, he cooperated with the international law firm, Peterka & Partners, based in Bratislava, and also worked for the branch of the international law firm, SALANS, in Paris.


In his free time, Michal enjoys riding his road bike while also pursuing his hobby as an amateur radio operator. In 2019, he completed the non-stop cycling 1,200 km-race, Paris – Brest – Paris, and earned the title, the fastest Slovak attorney.

Lenka Očkaiková


Lenka has more than 17 years of experience in advocacy. Her expertise is spread across GDPR, real estate, pharmaceutical, construction, and administrative law. Having excellent English language skills came in handy during her previous practice at a multinational law firm, Peterka & Partners, at its branch in Bratislava.


Whenever her schedule frees up, she likes playing the piano. Likewise, she always finds time for volleyball and geocaching, which allows her to discover previously unknown places. Lenka is also a pioneer in windsurfing, where she is credited as one of the first enthusiasts to introduce it in Domaša.

Lenka Šarišská


For over 8 years and counting, Lenka has shared her extensive knowledge on corporate, debt collection and management, civil, labour, and bankruptcy law to our law firm. She is fluent in English.

In her spare time, she constantly wrestles with tsundoku and she likes to keep her mind fresh with dynamic power yoga.